My Functional Health services

The goal of functional medicine is to get to the root cause of the problem. The cause of low energy, fatigue, weight gain, autoimmune disorders, etc can be due to many causes. By looking at just one area, it may not be possible to find the source of your problem. At My Functional Health we look at each potential source separately and pull all that information together to give you a clear picture of what is happening in your body.

packages that are offered

The complete bundle

Are you fatigued, burn-out, or gaining weight? Do you have little energy to enjoy the things in life that make you happy?  Are you battling insomnia, hot-flashes, migraines, or anxiety? There are many reasons this can happen. Evaluating bloodwork, nutrients, personal genetic variants, and hormones gives a well-rounded understanding of what is happening in your body. In addition, I’ll help you with nutritional and life-style changes. The Complete Bundle includes an initial 1.5 hour intake session and two 1 hour follow-up sessions, bloodwork, 2 functional medicine tests, and a *DNA test.   This package is one-on-one coaching.

Initial consultation  


2 functional medicine tests

DNA test*

2 follow up visits 

*The DNA test can be switched with another test if appropriate

The Intermediate bundle

The Intermediate Bundle is designed for those that feel like they may have multiple symptoms and are not sure where to start. Do you have symptoms of an autoimmune disorder, diarrhea/constipation, headaches, anxiety/depression, hormone imbalance, mold exposure, etc. You know you do not feel well, but just don’t know where to start? This is one-on-one coaching.

     1.5 hour consultation  


.      2 Functional Medicine Tests**

2 follow-up visits  - 1 hour 

Access to software to upload daily food and beverage choices.

.        Weekly recipes sent to your in-box designed specifically for your needs

.       3  months direct contact with me and information as needed

Access to videos available on health topics.


** Stool test, hormone test, micronutrient test, mold test, environmental toxin test

*** DNA and Advanced hormone tests are an additional cost


Do you feel great? Look great?  There can STILL be underlying conditions going on in your body that cannot be noticed physically until you have reached the point of diagnosis of a disease. Do you have genetic tendencies in your family such as cancer, diabetes, alzheimer’s, etc ? By evaluating your genes and their variants, it’s possible to uncover the WHY behind those familial diseases.  With genetic, micronutrient testing, and bloodwork,  early signs may be detected and  may prevent future health problems.  Nutritional and lifestyle changes can have an impact on your health. In addition to testing, you will also get access to videos that I make available on health topics. This package is one-on-one coaching.

1.5 hour consultation  


Micronutrient test

DNA test

2 follow up visit  - 1 hour

The basic bundle

This package looks at more basic bloodwork, and 1 Functional Medicine Test.  It is designed to point

you in the right direction.

1.5 hour consultation

Basic bloodwork

1 Functional Medicine Test

1 follow-up visit- 1 hour

Women’s Health

Are you suffering from peri-menopause or menopausal symptoms? CRAZY hot flashes, depression, anxiety, headaches, weight gain, severe muscle aches and pains, loss of muscle mass, or low libido?

There is HELP!!

1.5 hour initial consultation

Detailed Hormone Test

1 follow-up visit- 1 hour

Bloodwork and DNA test can be added for additional fee


Follow-up to any package

Do you want to stay connected and continue working with me? You can join as a member.

Bloodwork twice a year based on your health and family genetics

2 annual visits (in person or online)

Access to all live or recordings

Access to ask questions

individual coaching offered in packages

If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, one one-on-one wellness coaching might be the right step.

One-on-one wellness coaching through a package may be a great fit if you need flexibility in meeting times and/or individualized attention and instruction. Meetings can be held in person or online through zoom.

What you can expect

  • Personalized consultation sessions

  • Personalized nutrition, mindfulness, dietary changes, exercise plans to help you reach your goals

  • Advice concerning weekly food journal

  • Guidance and support from e-mail

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your individual obsticles.

Group coaching and courses

Working together to meet individual goals

Are you interested in group sessions? Group coaching classes are an excellent way to learn and share individual triumphs and battles while learning in a loving and friendly environment. Never a “silly question” and always there to help!

Group Courses can be held in-person and through Zoom. Book a free 15-minute call for more information and discover what courses are in progress or coming soon!

Free initial 15 minute consultation

Medication Review

Medication Review is included as part of 1:1 Coaching or Group Coaching add-on. Medications can be part of a life-saving strategy. However, anything you are exposed to is a potential toxin, medications included. Dr. Bass reviews all your medications and supplements with you and discusses relevant side effects and potential changes to medications and/or supplements to optimize your health.

Why should you be concerned about your medication or supplement choices?

  • your body may not be optimally functioning because of a nutrient or vitamin deficiency caused by prescribed medication.

  • your supplement may not be the right one or the right form

  • toxins

Review drug-drug and drug-supplement interactions

  • including nutrient and vitamin depletion

Discuss the need for vitamins or supplements based on symptoms or lab values

Interested in discussing supplemental choices?